What personal information is shown on my review?
When you write a review, we show your display name only. Your display name is your first name and the initial of your last name. This is the only information that is made publicly visible.
However, if you’ve written a review about a business that is registered on our platform, they’ll also have access to your contact details (email address and mobile number).
This is so that they can get in touch with you for more information or to resolve your issue.
Where can I find all my reviews?
All your reviews are listed in your profile. To view these, you’ll need to sign in to your account on Hellopeter, and then select your name on the top right-hand corner. Once there, select the “My reviews” tab on the left-hand panel, and all your reviews will be listed.
Where did my review go?
All your reviews are listed in your profile. If a review is missing, it means it has been reported and removed from Hellopeter – as this is the only way that reviews are removed.
Read more about reporting reviews here.